This meditation is the perfect way to invite relaxation and ease into your body and mind. Listen to it on your lunch break for stress relief or before bed for a restful night’s sleep.
I recommend sitting up to meditate, unless you are preparing for a nap or bedtime.
Keep an open mind and remember that no matter how many times your thoughts wander, let go of frustration and just gently bring your awareness back to the present moment, back to listening to the meditation and taking the breath you are breathing right now.
The guided portion of this meditation is 19 minutes. The music continues for another minute. There is no formal end to this particular meditation so that you can use it to drift off to sleep if you choose. If you are moving on with your day, just allow yourself to sit until the music fades and when you feel ready to slowly blink your eyes open, move gently back into your day with calm & ease.
When we are faced with obstacles in life, we have the choice to resist them or accept the gift of learning from them. Accepting things as they are is not being complacent or being a “push-over”. Being able to accept things just as they are is a powerful practice in learning to be content with the things we cannot change.
The definition of acceptance is “the act of taking or receiving something offered.”
During challenging times, big or small, this meditation can remind us to see things as they are and remember that everything is ok, just as it is. We may not understand why things are happening but when we can invite in trust, we can choose to see that things are unfolding exactly as they are meant to. When we simply observe our surroundings, other people’s actions and how we feel today - without judgement - the “less-than-ideal” situations we face simply become objects of focus rather than triggers for a bad day. Allow this meditation to guide you into seeing things through the lens of awareness, rather than labels of “good” or “bad,” “right” or “wrong.” This meditation invites you to notice things just as they are and remind yourself that you have a choice to see things for what they are rather than the stories we run away with in our minds.
This meditation is a helpful tool during uncertain times ... many of us have a lot of fear around what's happening in the world and this meditation is meant to uplift you into a vibration that can heal your emotions and thoughts around challenging moments. This meditation can be used for anxiety, sadness, fear, negativity and low energy. It can also be useful for sleep.
Love is the highest energetic vibration we can tap into. When we align with the heightened levels of love, our cells resonate in a high-vibe collective coherence that can ripple out from our single selves to everyone we encounter. And when we move into a space of loving coherence with the whole, we feel a sense of unity with the world around us. Love is an energy that heals our emotions, bodies and spirits. This meditation is for embodying the energetic vibration of love and allowing our fears to dissolve so there is more room for light.
Thank you for listening!
All meditations were written & recorded by Brittany Lynne